Small Groups
Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets at 10:00 each Sunday morning and is open to all children up to age 12. It is a multiethnic, multicultural group of children and teachers who are learning together about the ways of the Lord and the stories of the Bible. The teachers have been using the “Deep Blue” curriculum form Cokesbury which the children seem to react to very well. Each week there is a new lesson and a related craft and sometimes a music lesson to accompany it. Soon we will begin our Spring quarter. Sunday School does not run through the summer, but starts up again in early September.
The teachers and the Worship Committee also try to keep the children involved in the worship services through special projects for holidays, and songs and presentations for the same. At times, the children may even join with the choir to do a song from a Christmas cantata, which is always to the delight of all!
If you would be interested in having your child or children join in the Sunday School, please call us at the church number at 908 687-8077and leave your name and telephone number, together with the ages of your children. Someone from the Sunday School staff will get in touch with you. We welcome and look forward to having all children join us!
Vacation Bible School
Each year, a great group of volunteers gets together to work on our yearly Vacation Bible School, to be held this year on two consecutive Saturday mornings, July 15 and July 22, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. The title of this years’ VBS is “HERO HOTLINE (Called Together to Serve God)” All are welcome!
Saturday Morning Club
The Saturday Morning Club originated with a group of three men who were getting together just about every Saturday to do work of various kinds at the church.; work of maintenance and repairs and such. As it became a regular thing they became dubbed the “Saturday Morning Club” No dues or fees, no oaths to swear, just willingness to work on the church, willingness to volunteer a little bit of time and some energy on a Saturday morning roughly between 10 AM and 12PM. All are most welcome. Ladies may also apply!
Fellowship Choir and Praise Team
Our choir is about 24 strong at this point in time and is led by our Choir Director Ernaldo Galdones. Our choir in the past has been requested by the Greater NJ Conference and by our District to sing for their events. They also go out each Christmas and Easter time to 7 or 8 venues other than our church to sing for patients in nursing homes and the like. In this way they are carrying the Word outside our walls and to people who are often very much in need of its message. New members are always welcome to join us!
Our Praise Team, which handles our contemporary services twice a month, and begins all our services with an upbeat Praise Time, is also well known around our district and often requested. Led by Robert Hector on lead guitar, they include our Choir Director on bass guitar, our rhythm guitarist Marwyn and our all around can do it guy, our drummer Pragash. Together they are all good friends “on and off the job”.
United Methodist Women
We have at UMC in Union a United Methodist Women’s Group which meets the second Saturday of each month (except in July and August), from 10 AM to 12 PM. All women and young ladies are welcome to join us. We discuss the business of the group such as events we are staging and staffing, and we discuss the Bible and its characters, all the while just allowing ourselves to be women together with other women. We cheer for each other, we console and pray for each other, we laugh and we cry with each other. Come join us! You may just find the break from the world you could use, too.
Other Groups
Pastor Michael Ojo runs the Saturday Prayer Meeting which seems to have garnered quite a nice following over its first year or so. Saturday Prayer meeting starts at 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Bible Studies are usually seasonal around here. Pastor James Ryoo, our head pastor, is presenting a Lenten Bible Study on February 20th, 27th, March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th for 6 consecutive Wednesdays, at 7:30 PM each night.
The title for the study is “The Third day” - Living the Resurrection.
**Please join the Bible Study on Zoom,
Meeting ID: 426 293 599
Passcode: 2095
All are welcome to join, you do not have to be a member! The pastor also usually does a bible study during the period of Advent.
If you are interested in any of these groups, feel free to call us at
908 687-8077 and leave your name and number and we will get back to you.